How do they separate the
men from the boys at Eton
Buckets of ice cold water and threats to call the police.
The Catholic church wants more people interested in priesthood.
They have got a lot of bad publicity lately so they just released a new campaign. They are offering scholarships for 100 lucky boys that can attend private school to become a priest for free.
Their slogan:
"Find the priest inside of you."
David Cameron says that rioters need 'tough love'.
Is that a Eton code for anal sex?
The two princes Will's and Harry are in the shower
room at Eton circa
Will (looking at Harry's donkey dick and ginger pubes):
What the fuck have you got there H? This is against the laws of primo genitals.
I inherited it. You got the short straw Will. You
have a small penis and will
be going bald soon.
Osborne told the prime minister he was going to cut taxes for Bingo.
Cameron thought he was referring to an old Eton school chum.
The Riot Club: inside Bullingdon
"The Eton Rifles" was the only single to be released from the
album Setting Sons by The Jam. Recorded at Townhouse
studios and released on the 3rd of November 1979, it became
the band's first top ten hit in the United Kingdom, peaking at
No. 3. It is also the only official Jam single for which a video
was not recorded.
The song was produced by Vic Coppersmith-Heaven and
The Jam and was backed by the B-side "See-Saw".
Eton College is a famous English public school in
Berkshire regarded as the epitome of Britain's privileged
elite. Its cadet corps is the Eton College Combined Cadet
Force, which was founded in 1860 as the Eton College
Rifle Corps. The song itself recounts the difficulties faced by
the unemployed and lower paid working class in protesting
against a system loaded against them.
The song recounts a street battle Paul Weller had read
about in the newspapers concerning elements of a Right
To Work march going through Slough in 1978 breaking off
to attack pupils from Eton who had been jeering the lunchtime
marchers (hence Hello, Hooray, an extremist scrape with
the Eton Rifles).
The song's lyrics, in common with many Jam tracks, contain
colloquial references to life in Britain, including:
"Sup u Slough
Literally, the first part of the line means "drink up your
beer and collect your fags", though in this case it is likely a
double entendre referring both to a group of friends hurriedly
leaving a pub, and to the British boarding school practice of
fagging; a hierarchical authority structure in which younger
students acted as personal servants to those in higher forms. With regard to the latter part,
Slough is a town near to Eton. The two districts have a history of class conflict, with Slough
in particular as a result of being used for various sociological experiments by urban
planners and politicians throughout the 1960s through to the 1990s (a common target in
Paul Weller's lyrics in The Jam).
"What chance have you got against a tie and a crest?" is a reference to school uniform
and badges, particularly the influence of the "old school tie".
"There was a lot of class hatred in my songs at the time," said Weller. 'Eton Rifles'
would be the obvious example of that. We used to go on Sunday drives with my uncle
and we'd drive through Eton, and I remember seeing these young chaps."

In May 2008, Conservative leader and Old Etonian David Cameron named "The Eton
Rifles" as one of his favourite songs. Cameron is reported to have said "I was one, in the
corps. It meant a lot, some of those early Jam albums we used to listen to. I don't see why
the left should be the only ones allowed to listen to protest songs."
Cameron's praise for the song earned a scathing rejection from Paul Weller, who said,
"Which part of it didn't he get? It wasn't intended as a jolly drinking song for the Eton
Ironically, in 1977 Weller had said in the New Musical Express that people should vote for
the Conservatives, a comment intended to shock and which later came to haunt him during
his long involvement with the Labour Party initiative Red Wedge.
He added, "I think I have pretty much nailed where I was at to the mast. But people come to
gigs for different reasons:
it isn't necessarily about what the person on stage is singing. But at
the same time, you do think, 'Well, maybe this'll change their minds."
In November 2011 Guardian music critic, Alexis Petridis, questioned Cameron further; "You
said the Jam's song Eton Rifles was important to you when you were at Eton." Paul Weller,
who wrote the song, was pretty incredulous to hear this, and claimed you couldn't have
understood the lyrics.
What did you think that song was about at the time? Be honest.' To which Cameron
replied; "I went to Eton in 1979, which was the time when the Jam, the Clash, the Sex
Pistols were producing some amazing music and everyone liked the song because of
the title. But of course I understood what it was about. It was taking the mick out of
people running around the cadet force. And he was poking a stick at us. But it was
a great song with brilliant lyrics. I've always thought that if you can only like music if you
agree with the political views of the person who wrote it, well, it'd be rather limiting."
"The Eton Rifles Lyrics"
Sup up your beer and collect your fags - There's a row going on down near Slough.
Get out your mat and pray to the West. I'll get out mine and pray for myself.
Thought you were smart when you took them on. But you didn't take a peep in their
artillery room.
All that rugby puts hairs on your chest. What chance have you got against a tie
and a crest?
Hello-Hurray - what a nice day for the Eton Rifles, Eton Rifles.
Hello-Hurray - I hope rain stops play for the Eton Rifles, Eton Rifles.
Thought you were clever when you lit the fuse, Tore down the house of commons in
your brand new shoes.
Composed a revolutionary symphony. Then went to bed with a charming young
Hello-Hurray - cheers then mate. It's the Eton Rifles, Eton Rifles.
Hello-Hurray - an extremist scrape with the Eton Rifles, Eton Rifles.
What a catalyst you turned out to be. Loaded the guns, then you run off home for your
tea. Left me standing like a guilty schoolboy.
We came out of it naturally the worst Beaten and bloody, and I was sick down my
We were no match for their untamed wit. Though some of the lads said they'd be back
next week.
Hello-Hurray - it's the price to pay to the Eton Rifles, Eton
Hello-Hurray - I'd prefer the plague to the Eton Rifles, Eton Rifles.
Hello-Hurray - it's the price to pay to the Eton Rifles, Eton
Hello-Hurray - I'd prefer the plague to the Eton Rifles,
Eton Rifles, Eton Rifles, Eton Rifles!
Top Of The Pops

Eton College, often informally referred to simply as Eton, is an
English boys' independent boarding school located in Eton,
Berkshire, near Windsor. It educates over 1,300 pupils, aged 13
to 18 years. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI as
"The King's College of Our Lady of Eton besides Windsor", making it the 18th oldest HMC school.
Eton is one of ten English Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference schools, commonly referred to as "public schools", regulated by the Public Schools Act of 1868. Following the public school tradition, Eton is a full boarding school, which means all pupils live at the school, and it is one of four such remaining single-sex boys' public schools in the United Kingdom (the others being Harrow, Radley, and Winchester) to continue this practice. Eton has educated 19 British prime ministers and generations of the aristocracy and has been referred to as the chief nurse of England's statesmen. Charging up to £11,478 per term (there are three terms per academic year) in 2014/15, Eton is the sixth most expensive HMC boarding school in he UK.
Eton has a long list of distinguished former pupils. David Cameron is the 19th British prime minister to have attended the school, and has recommended that Eton set up a school in the state sector to help drive up standards. Eton now co-sponsors a state sixth-form college in Newham, a deprived area of East London, called the London Academy of Excellence, opened in 2012, which is free of charge and aims to get all its students into higher education. In September 2014, Eton opened, and became the sole educational sponsor for, a new day school for around 500 pupils, Holy port College, in Maidenhead in Berkshire, with construction costing around £15 million, in which a fifth of places for day pupils will be set aside for children from poor homes, 21 boarding places will go to youngsters on the verge of being taken into care, and a further 28 boarders will be funded or part-funded through bursaries.
In the past, Eton has educated generations of British and foreign aristocracy, and for the first time, members of the Royal family, Prince William and his brother Prince Harry, in contrast to the Royal tradition of either a naval college or
Gordonstoun, or by a Palace tutor. Registration at birth has been consigned to the past, and by the mid 1990s, Eton ranked among Britain'stop three schools in getting its pupils into Oxford and Cambridge.
The Spirit of the First World War
at Eton College.
Eton has traditionally been referred to as "the chief nurse of England's statesmen", and has been described as the most famous public school in the world. Early in the 20th century, a historian of Eton wrote, "No other school can claim to have sent forth such a cohort of distinguished figures to make their mark on the world."
The Good Schools Guide called the School "the number one boys' public school," adding, "The teaching and facilities are second to none." The School is a member of the G20 Schools Group.
Eton College was founded by King Henry VI as a charity school to provide free education to seventy poor boys who would then go on to King's College, Cambridge, founded by the same King in 1441. Henry took Winchester College as his model, visiting on many occasions and borrowing its Statutes and removing its Headmaster and some of the Scholars to start his new school.
For much of Eton's history, junior boys had to act as "fags", or
servants, to older boys. Their duties included cleaning, cooking, and
running errands. A Library member was entitled to yell at any time and
without notice, " Boy, Up !" or "Boy, Queue!", and all first -year boys had
to come running. The last boy to arrive was given the task. These
practices, known as fagging, were partially phased out of most houses in
the 1970s. Captains of House and Games still sometimes give tasks
to first-year boys, such as collecting the mail from the School
The School is known for its traditions, including a uniform of black tailcoat
(or morning coat) and waistcoat, false-collar and pinstriped trousers. Most
pupils wear a white tie that is effectively a strip of cloth folded over into a
starched, detachable collar, but some senior boys are entitled to wear a
white bow tie and winged collar ( "Stick-Ups" ).
The long-standing claim that the present uniform was first worn as
mourning for the death of George III is unfounded. "Eton dress" has
undergone significant changes since its standardization in the 19th
century. Originally (along with a top hat and walking-cane), Etonian
dress was reserved for formal occasions, but boys wear it today for
classes, which are referred to as "divisions", or "divs". As stated above,
King's Scholars wear a black gown over the top of their tailcoats and
occasionally a surplice in Chapel. Members of the teaching staff (known as Beaks) are required to wear a form of school dress when teaching. From 1820 until 1967, boys under the height of 5'4" were required to wear the 'Eton suit', which replaced the tailcoat with the cropped 'Eton jacket' (known colloquially as a "bum-freezer" and included an 'Eton collar', a large, stiff-starched, white collar." The Eton suit was copied by other schools and has remained in use in some, particularly choir schools.

Prince Henry (second from the left),
third son of King George V and
Queen Mary., marching in
the ranks of the Officers' Training Corps, at Eton
Eton used to be renowned for its use of corporal punishment, generally known as "beating". In the 16th century, Friday was set aside as "flogging day". Beating was phased out in the 1980s. The film director Sebastian Doggart claims to have been the last boy caned at Eton, in 1984. Until 1964, offending boys could be summoned to the Head Master or the Lower Master, as appropriate, to receive a birching on the bare posterior, in a semi-public ceremony held in the Library, where there was a special wooden birching block over which the offender was held.
Anthony Chenevix-Trench, Head Master from 1964 to 1970,
abolished the birch and replaced it with caning, also applied to the bare
posterior, which he administered privately in his office. Chenevix-Trench
also abolished corporal punishment administered by senior boys.
Previously, House Captains were permitted to cane miscreants over the
seat of the trousers. This was a routine occurrence, carried out privately
with the boy bending over with his head under the edge of a table. Less
common but more severe were the canings administered by Pop in the
form of a "Pop-Tanning", in which a large number of hard strokes were
inflicted by the President of Pop in the presence of all Pop members
(or, in earlier times, each member of Pop took it in turns to inflict a
stroke). The culprit was summoned to appear in a pair of old trousers,
as the caning would cut the cloth to shreds. This was the most severe
form of physical punishment at Eton.
Chenevix-Trench's successor from 1970, Michael McCrum,
retained private corporal punishment by masters, but ended the
practice of requiring boys to take their trousers and underwear
down when bending over to be caned by the Head Master. By the
mid-1970s, the only people allowed to administer caning were the
Head Master and the Lower Master.
In addition to the masters, the following three categories of senior
boys are entitled to exercise School discipline. Boys who belong to
any of these categories, in addition to a limited number of other
boy office holders, are entitled to wear winged collars with bow ties.
commonly known as Pop. Over the years its power
and privileges have grown. Pop is the oldest self-electing society at
Eton. The rules were altered in 1987 and again in 2005 so that the
new intake are not elected solely by the existing year and a
committee of masters. Members of Pop are entitled to wear checked
sponge bag trousers, and a waistcoat designed as they wish.
Historically, only members of Pop were entitled to furl their umbrellas
or sit on the wall on the Long Walk, in front of the main building.
However, this tradition has died out. They perform roles at many of
the routine events of the school year, including School Plays,
parents' evenings and other official events. Notable ex-members of
Pop include Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Eddie Redmayne
and Boris Johnson.
Sixth Form Select:
an academically selected prefectorial group
consisting, by custom, of the 10 senior King's Scholars and the 10
senior Oppidan Scholars. Members of Sixth Form Select are
entitled to wear silver buttons on their waistcoats. They also act as
they enter classrooms and ask, "Is (family name) in this
division?" followed by "He's to see the Head Master at (time)"
Members of Sixth Form Select and maintain dress codes, and perform "Speeches", at formal events held five times a year.
The captains of each of the 25 boys' houses have disciplinary powers at school level. House Captains are entitled to wear a mottled-grey waistcoat. It is possible to belong to the Eton Society and Sixth Form Select at the same time.
In the era of Queen Elizabeth I there were two praepostors in every form, who noted down the names of absentees. Until the late 19th century, there was a praepostor for every division of the school.

The elite tradition is to send children away at a young age
to be educated. But future politicians who suffer this
'privileged abandonment' often turn out as bullies or
bumblers. Typical examples are Boris Johnson and David Cameron.
Sport is a feature of Eton; there is an extensive network of playing fields. Their
names include Agar's Plough Dutchman's, Upper Club, Lower Club, Sixpenny The
Field, and Mesopotamia (situated between two streams and often shortened to
During the Michaelmas Half, the sport curriculum is dominated by football (called
Association) and rugby union, with some rowing for a smaller number of boys.
During the Lent Half it is dominated by the field game, a code of football, but this is
unique to Eton and cannot be played against other schools. During this half, Colleges
also play the Eton wall game; this game received national publicity when taken up by Prince Harry. Aided by Astro The field, field hockey has become a major Lent Half sport along with Rugby 7's.
Elite rowers prepare for the Schools' Head of the River Race in late March.
During the Summer Half, sporting boys divide into drybobs, who play cricket, tennis or athletics, and wetbobs, who row
on the River Thames and the rowing lake in preparation for The National Schools Regatta and the Princess Elizabeth Challenge Cup at the Henley Royal Regatta.
The annual cricket match against Harrow at Lord's Cricket Ground is the oldest fixture of the cricketing calendar, having been played there since 1805. A staple of the society calendar since the 1800s, in 1914, its importance was such that over 38,000 people attended the two days 'the match made national headlines. But interest has since declined considerably, and the match is now a one day limited overs contest.
"Eton's best-known holiday takes place on the so-called Fourth of June", a celebration of the birthday of King George III, Eton's greatest patron. This day is celebrate with the Procession of Boats, in which the top rowing crews from the top four years row past in vintage wooden rowing boats.
The Queen's Official Birthday, the "Fourth of June" is no longer celebrated on the 4th of June, but on the Wednesday before the first weekend of June. Eton also observes St. Andrew's Day, on which the Eton wall game is
Under the provisions of the Charities Act 2006, Eton is now an excepted charity, and fully registered with the Charities Commission, and is now one of the 10 largest charities in the UK. As a charity, it benefits from substantial tax breaks. It was calculated by the late David Jewell, former Master of Haileybury, that in 1992 such tax breaks saved the School about £1,945 per
pupil per year, although he had no direct connection with the School. This subsidy has declined since the 2001, abolition by the Labour Government of state- funded scholarships (formerly known as "assisted
places") to independent schools. However, no child attended Eton on this scheme, meaning that the actual level of state assistance to the School has always been lower.
Eton's retiring Head Master, Tony Little, has claimed that the benefits that Eton provides to the local community free of charge (use of its facilities, etc.)
Have a higher value than the tax breaks it receives as a result of its charitable status. The fee for the academic year 2010-2011 was £29,862 (approximately US $48,600 or €35,100 as of March 2011), although the sum is considerably lower for those pupils on bursaries and scholarships.

Circa 1939 Eton students
clad in traditional topper & tails,
as they present arms during
Eton Corps Drill to
prepare for war.
A member of the Eton
public school O.T.C.
(Officers Training Corps) practising shouting
out orders.
Paul Weller on David Cameron
being a fan of 'Eton Rifles':
"Which part of it doesn't he get?
It wasn't intended as a fucking
jolly drinking song for
the Eton cadet corps.
In 1995 the National Lottery granted money for a £4.6m sports complex, to add to Eton's existing facilities of two swimming pools, 30 cricket squares, 24 football, rugby and hockey pitches and a gym. The College paid £200,000 and contributed 4.5 hectares of land in return for exclusive use of the facilities during the daytime only. The UK Sports Council defended the deal on the grounds that the whole community would benefit, while the bursar claimed that Windsor, Slough and Eton Athletic Club was "deprived" because local people (who were not pupils at the College) did not have a world-class running track and facilities to train with. Steve Osborn, director of the Safe Neighbourhoods Unit, described the decision as "staggering" given the background of a substantial reduction in youth services by councils across the country, a matter over which, however, neither the College nor the UK Sports Council, had any control. The facility, which became the Thames Valley Athletics Centre, opened in April 1999.
The Eton College CCF was founded in 1860 as the Eton College Rifle Corps at a time
when it was thought that Napoleon III was threatening to invade Britain. It was the first
continuous school corps of its kind.
Boys can join the corps from D block upwards. The aim of the corps is to provide boys
with a wide range of military skills, adventurous pursuits, leadership experience and
the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award at silver level. The corps is
commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Michael Wilcockson (a master at the school) who
is assisted by an Adjutant and two permanent CCF staff, both of whom have been
regular soldiers. There are several masters who are commissioned officers, as well as
regular Army officers and NCOs who often assist with training. The corps has its own
purpose-built building, the ‘Orderly Room’, which houses its stores, offices, mess and
training rooms.
Boys may choose to be members of the Army or the RAF sections, but most of the
training is the same for both sections. Training moves rapidly through drill, weapon-
training, battle skills, signals, shooting, leadership exercises, and a range of
adventurous training activities. In every half there is a weekend exercise or ‘corps
scheme’ when training is much more intense, demanding and wide-ranging. In the
summer half there is a range weekend when live ammunition is fired. In addition to
basic infantry training, members of the RAF section have the opportunity to fly in the
Tutor aircraft at RAF Benson and glide in the Vigilant at Dalton Barracks.

Prince Harry (Henry) was the Parade Commander of the 48 Strong Guard
of Honour at the Combined Cadet Forces Tattoo at Eton Collage 5/27/2003.
Setting Sons is the fourth studio album by British band The Jam. The group's critical and commercial favour, began with their third album, All Mod Cons, continued through this album. "The Eton Rifles" became the group's first top 10 UK hit, peaking
at No. 3.
In contrast to its pop-oriented predecessor,
this album features a much harder, tougher
production, albeit with the overarching
melodicism common throughout The Jam's discography. Arguably, this is the Jam's most thematically ambitious LP. Singer, guitarist, and songwriter Paul Weller originally conceived Setting Sons as a concept album detailing the lives of three boyhood friends who later reunite as adults after an unspecified war only to discover they have grown up and apart. This concept was never fully developed, and it remains unclear which tracks were originally intended as part of the story, though it is commonly agreed that "Thick As Thieves", "Little Boy Soldiers", "Wasteland", and "Burning Sky" are likely constituents; extant Jam bootlegs feature a version of "Little Boy Soldiers" split into three separate recordings, possible evidence that the song was intended to serve as a recurring motif, with separate sections appearing between other songs on the album.
The album cover of Setting Sons features a photograph of Benjamin Clemens' bronze sculpture, 'The St John's Ambulance Bearers'. Cast in 1919, this sculpture depicts a wounded soldier being carried by two ambulance workers. This sculpture is currently in the possession of the Imperial War Museum in London.
Harry can paint but I can't. He has our father's? talent, while I on the other hand, i am about the biggest idiot on a piece of canvas. I did do a couple of drawings at eton which were put on display. Teachers thought they were examples of modern art, but in fact, I was just trying to paint a house! 2 up, 2 down. Prince William

More senior boys specialize in military
and survival skills and prepare as cadet
instructors through a cadre course. The
highlight of the year is the annual
tattoo for which boys prepare during the
first part of the summer half and perform
on the evening before the 'Fourth of June'.
To an audience of over 800 people the
corps parades and presents its colors,
and demonstrates activities from
precision drill to a light gun race.
Accompanied by the Eton College CCF
military band including the pipes and
drums. The evening concludes with a
small-scale battle scene.
Although the CCF is not designed to
recruit for the armed forces, a significant
number of boys do nevertheless take up
commissions. For example, an average of
six Old Etonians attend Royal Military
Academy Sandhurst annually, with five
OEs due to commence training at RMAS
at the beginning of 2013. There are a
wide range of summer camps which
boys are expected to attend.
Some camps are abroad (Germany or Cyprus, for example); others are organised through Army contacts in the UK and concentrate on specialised military skills and adventurous training.
In 2010, Her Majesty the Queen visited Eton to inspect the Corps on the occasion of its 150th anniversary, and unveiled a plaque commemorating those Old Etonians awarded the Victoria Cross and George Cross. Prince Henry of Wales KCVO (Henry Charles Albert David; born of September 1984), known as Prince Harry, is the younger son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. His paternal grandparents are Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of his birth, he was third in the line of succession to succeed his grandmother. He is currently fifth in line after his nephew George and niece Charlotte.
After an education at schools in the United Kingdom and spending parts of his gap year in Australia and Lesotho, Harry chose a military career, undergoing officer training at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He was commissioned as a Cornet into the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry Regiment, serving temporarily with his brother, and completed his training as a troop leader. In 2007–2008 he served for 77 days in Helmand, Afghanistan but he was pulled out following publication of his presence there by an Australian magazine. He returned to Afghanistan for a 20-week deployment in 2012–2013 with the Army Air Corps. He left the army in June 2015.

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The material on this site does not reflect the views of What If? Tees.
The Images and Text are not meant to offend but to Promote Positive Open Debate and Free Speech.